Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Major Movie Dilemma or MMD if you don't mind...

Okay so I have this dilemma, this serious MMD for the last couple of weeks, and now it is culminating to a head. What movie am I going to see this weekend! I have gotten behind on a couple of recent releases --- Hancock, Wanted, Hellboy --- and now Dark Night opens on Friday.

Most likely I will go and see Dark Night on Saturday at IMAX. I have a 10am baseball game that morning and could probably squeeze it in during the day. But man! All these movies to catch up with, and now I have X-Files coming out next week (childhood freaky connection and love of series) that I am not goign to miss.

speaking of childhood, turned on Napster this AM and one of their play lists was ALT Rock 90's, thought I would get a kick, and currently Offspring is playing "Self Esteem". funny song.

My wife thinks I'm nuts.

She is probably right.



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