Saturday, May 07, 2005

Testing out some new gear

Testing out mobile

Edit: Thought this is a cool new feature they just added testing it to see if it worked, and it did, now I can update from the phone. Hmmm....interesting, very interesting. Well things around Goat Town have been all hustle and bustle, lots going on this week. First boss went to NYC and got soaked..heheh...then got sick. A lil' set back on the projects round here, because when he returned Bosss father had a heart attack. Not a fun day.

Also we are moving the studio and home, so now that is going to eat up the time with projects. Two major ones coming up and ongoing, a Video CD for a local Childrens Daycare for thier graduation, and the ongoing adventures of Alice. Yep that's right, Alice in Wonderland! Been involved with this now going on year 3 but it is nearing an end. We have pretty much finished all the recordings for this new inspired musical. Some setbacks has been finding a cast for the chorus stuff....go figure...and Queen of Hearts having tooth problems. Actually the root is the root of the problems...never mind.

"For each stranger who walks the path, he must first learn to live in his shoes before he can survive the trials that await him" -ED



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