Sunday, May 15, 2005

Of trees, and termites and minds...

Sunday's can be very interesting to say the least. They tend to range in their variancy more than any other day I suppose. Right now I look out the window at a tree, 100 or more years old completely still. 10 minutes ago it looked as if it was going to blow over. That tree is an amazing story in itself. The tree stands around 75-90 feet high, and not much too really look at. This interesting tree is a chestnut tree. I have heard rumors they are poisonous chestnuts, but never gained the courage, nor stupidity to try 'em. The tree is pretty much become a miracle tree in that it is still standing, you see the tree is hollow. Termites. Lots of 'em. I think however, even they have vacated the habitat within the last few years. Filling up on their delicacy, and moving on. Don't ask we why I decided to write about this tree, but all I know is I see it day in and day out, when I wake and when I head to sleep. Maybe its the fact that I see so many people with so much unfilled potential. Like this hollow tree, look solid on the outside, but have decayed within. Sunday's have always been a good reminder in my life as the potential within all of us. Never be afraid to live up to it. One day this tree will fall, but what memory will it leave behind? All I think I will remember is the victors who have moved on to other areas. Let us not be hollow, let us leave a lasting memory, let us fill our potential, for it is we, an we alone who decide that. This poor tree had no defense but we do. Our minds. The mind and will can change so much of what lies ahead, and help us forget those useless things that can drag us down or break our branches apart when the storm of life blows. -ED



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